


 Monitoring of irregularities and fraud

Information on the functioning of the mechanism for signalling potential irregularities or frauds.

The Managing Authority of the Infrastructure and Environment Program pays particular attention to ensuring the implementation of projects under the Program as follows:

  • ethically, 
  • explicitly,
  • clearly.

A tool for reporting any irregularities concerning projects financed with funds from the Infrastructure and Environment Program was created so as to fulfill the aforementioned expectations.
The information provided about irregularities will allow to implement appropriate remedial measures and contribute to ensuring the highest standards of project implementation.

In order to report irregularities:

  • use the form available on the website\nieprawidlowosci or send a message to the following e-mail address: or

What to report

Suspected irregularities that concern representatives of institutions implementing the Program or entities implementing projects (e.g. Beneficiaries).

Rules for considering submitted applications

  1. Each application is protected against disclosure to unauthorized persons. The information included in the report, enabling the identification of the person making the report, will be protected both at the stage of investigating the case, during possible preventive activities, and in the future. In addition, it is made available only to authorized officials and officers of the relevant services. 
  2. All reports will be carefully considered in accordance with the internal procedures of the Managing Authority for the Infrastructure and Environment Program and the generally applicable provisions of law. 
  3. If the person submitting the report via e-mail wishes to be anonymous, the information will be fully anonymised (the personal data of the reporting person and other features allowing for identification of his identity will be removed from the report) before any possible transfer to clarify the matter. 
  4. If the report (mostly anonymous) is incomplete and it is not possible to supplement this information, there will be a risk that such report will not be considered.

Get in touch with our expert.

Marta Rula

DB Port Szczecin